Design changes in FileMaker Pro 10
FileMaker Pro 10 features an enhanced look and feel. Many items, such as buttons, have changed in appearance, name, and location. For instance, the status area has been redesigned as a status toolbar across the top of the document window. Its new horizontal orientation provides fast access to more items and additional space for working with your database.
The following images and tables will help you to quickly find the new locations of your favorite items.
Browse mode
Status toolbar and formatting bar in Browse mode
Name (and location) in previous versions
Name (and location) in FileMaker Pro 10
Find (status toolbar)
Preview (layout bar)
Layout pop-up menu (status area)
Command buttons, such as New Record (Standard toolbar)
Text formatting options, such as Font (Text Formatting toolbar)
Text formatting options (formatting bar)
Find mode
Status toolbar in Find mode
Name (and location) in previous versions
Name (and location) in FileMaker Pro 10
Mode tabs in the status area
Cancel Find button (status toolbar)
Navigation controls, such as the book (status area)
Match and Omit buttons (layout bar)
Command buttons, such as New Request (Standard toolbar)
Layout mode
Status toolbar and formatting bar in Layout mode
Name (and location) in previous versions
Name (and location) in FileMaker Pro 10
Mode tabs in the status area
Exit Layout button (layout bar)
Navigation controls, such as the book (status area)
Layout tools, such as the Selection tool (tool panel in the status area or Tools toolbar)
Fill palettes, such as the Fill Color palette (status area)
Pen palettes, such as the Line Width palette (status area)
Object alignment options, such as Align Left Edges (Align toolbar)
Object arrangement options, such as Bring to Front (Arrange toolbar)
Command buttons, such as New Layout/Report (Standard toolbar)
Text formatting options, such as Font (Text Formatting toolbar)
Text formatting options (formatting bar)
Preview mode
Status toolbar in Preview mode
Name (and location) in previous versions
Name (and location) in FileMaker Pro 10
Mode tabs in the status area
Exit Preview button (layout bar)
Navigation controls, such as the book (status area)
Command buttons, such as Print (Standard toolbar)