Reference > Functions reference > Mobile functions > RangeBeacons


Returns a list of iBeacons and their proximity to an iOS device.


RangeBeacons ( UUID {; timeout ; major ; minor } )


UUID - the universally unique identifier for iBeacons to search for. The UUID identifies one or more iBeacons as a specific type or from a specific organization. For example, iBeacons for all branches of a department store could share the same UUID.

timeout - the number of seconds to wait before returning a value. If timeout is not specified, the function returns a value after five seconds.

major - the value identifying a group of iBeacons. For example, all iBeacons in a specific branch of a department store could share the same major value.

minor - the value identifying specific iBeacons within a group of iBeacons. For example, all iBeacons in the toys section of a specific branch of a department store could share the same minor value.

Parameters in braces { } are optional.

Data type returned 


Originated in 

FileMaker Pro 15.0


In FileMaker Go, returns:

UUID - the universally unique identifier for each identified iBeacon.

major - the value identifying a group of iBeacons.

minor - the value identifying specific iBeacons within a group of iBeacons.

proximity - a number indicating the relative proximity to an iBeacon. Returns:

0 (Unknown) The proximity of the iBeacon could not be determined.

1 (Immediate) The iBeacon is very close to the iOS device.

2 (Near) The iBeacon is relatively close to the iOS device.

3 (Far) The iBeacon is far from the iOS device.

accuracy - the accuracy of the proximity value, measured in meters from the iBeacon. This value helps you differentiate between iBeacons with the same proximity value. A negative value means the accuracy could not be determined.

rssi - the received signal strength of the iBeacons, measured in decibels.


If no iBeacons match the criteria, this function returns an empty string.

If the iOS Location Services setting is turned off, this function returns an empty string.

If the query is not valid, this function returns a question mark (?).

Example 1 

RangeBeacons("D9B9EC1F-XXXX-YYYY-80A9-1E39D4CEA95C") returns information about all nearby iBeacons with the specified UUID:

D9B9EC1F-XXXX-YYYY-80A9-1E39D4CEA95C, 10, 1, 0, -1.00, 0
D9B9EC1F-XXXX-YYYY-80A9-1E39D4CEA95C, 5, 1, 3, 14.68, -79
D9B9EC1F-XXXX-YYYY-80A9-1E39D4CEA95C, 5, 2, 3, 18.96, -81

Example 2 

RangeBeacons("D9B9EC1F-XXXX-YYYY-80A9-1E39D4CEA95C"; 30) returns the result after 30 seconds.

Example 3 

RangeBeacons("D9B9EC1F-XXXX-YYYY-80A9-1E39D4CEA95C"; 20; 10; 1) returns information about iBeacons with the specified UUID with a major value of 10 and a minor value of 1. It returns the result after 20 seconds.

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