Reference > Script steps reference > Miscellaneous script steps > Speak (macOS)

Speak (macOS)

Produces speech from text.

See also 


Type the text to be spoken directly in the text entry area, or click Specify to create your spoken text from a calculation.

Use Voice specifies a voice from the various voices available on your computer.

Wait for speech completion before continuing tells FileMaker Pro Advanced to wait until the speech is completed before continuing with the next script step.





FileMaker Pro Advanced 


FileMaker Go 


FileMaker WebDirect 


FileMaker Server 


FileMaker Cloud 


FileMaker Data API 


Custom Web Publishing 


Runtime solution 


Originated in 

FileMaker Pro 6.0 or earlier


You can enter a literal text string or use a calculation to create the text to be spoken. You can also specify which voice synthesizer to use and whether or not to wait for the speech to be completed, before continuing with the next script step.

If the database is opened on a non-speaking computer, the script can still be edited, but only the default voice synthesizer is available. Speak script steps are not executed when the script is run on a non-speaking computer.

Example 1 

Tells the user to enter a company name if the Company field is empty. Can be started by the OnRecordCommit script trigger, OnLayoutExit script trigger, or OnWindowClose script trigger.

If [IsEmpty ( Contacts::Company )]
Speak ["Enter a company name"]
End If

Example 2 

Speaks the contents of the Summary field in the current record.

Go to Layout ["Invoice Details"]
Speak [Invoices::Summary]

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