Managing plug-ins > Enabling the FileMaker Script Engine to use plug-ins > Changing plug-in file permissions (macOS)
Changing plug-in file permissions (macOS)
Note  The following information is for server administrators.
1. Start the Terminal application and use the cd command to set your path as needed.
2. Enter the following at the command line:
chmod g+rx <filepath>
chmod g+wrx <filepath>
The g+rx is necessary because plug-ins and system-level scripts must have the group read and executable bits enabled. Use the g+wrx form to permit write permission as well. Some plug-ins or scripts that use preferences or folders of additional files may require write permission to those files or folders.
Related topics 
Folders for server-side plug-in files
Enabling the Install Plug-In File script step to update server-side plug-ins
Enabling the FileMaker Script Engine to use plug-ins