Monitoring FileMaker Server
Monitoring FileMaker Server
Note  The following information is for server administrators and group administrators.
View usage statistics and track the activity of FileMaker Server and individual clients using the Statistics pane. Admin Console displays usage statistics and detailed client statistics for monitoring server performance and diagnosing the causes of performance problems.
The following table summarizes where you can find the information that FileMaker Server tracks for you.
To monitor
Server statistics
Statistics > Server tab
Stats.log (master machine)
FileMaker Server performance and number of clients logged in.
Client statistics
Statistics > Client tab
ClientStats.log (master machine)
Detailed client statistics and client accesses to the Database Server.
Note  FileMaker WebDirect clients appear in the Stats.log rather than the ClientStats.log.
Top call statistics
TopCallStats.log (master machine)
Detailed information about the client request operations that require the most server resources.
Log Viewer pane
Event.log (master machine) (See Viewing activities in the Event Viewer (Windows) for instructions.)
Windows: Event Viewer (master machine)
Database Server start and stop events, database files opened and closed, consistency checks, and error conditions in FileMaker Server configuration.
Custom Web Publishing and FileMaker WebDirect information
Log Viewer pane
wpe.log (Web Publishing Engine machine)
Any Web Publishing Engine errors, including application errors, usage errors, and system errors. May include information related to Custom Web Publishing, such as end-user XML requests to generate web publishing output or changes to the Custom Web Publishing settings.
Any end-user requests to view FileMaker WebDirect solutions, changes to FileMaker WebDirect settings, as well as FileMaker WebDirect start and stop events, error, script, and user log information.
FileMaker Data API information
Log Viewer pane
Any FileMaker Data API Engine errors, including application errors and usage errors.
Information about all FileMaker Data API calls that access hosted databases.
All log files are located in the Logs folder:
Windows: [drive]:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Logs
If FileMaker Server is installed in a non-default location, the beginning portion of the default path shown above, \Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server, is replaced with the path that was specified during installation. For example: \My_Path\Logs
macOS: /Library/FileMaker Server/Logs
If you are a group administrator, your server administrator must configure your administrator group to allow you to view statistics and log file entries. For more information, contact your server administrator.
Related topics 
Viewing server statistics
Viewing client statistics
Viewing log file entries