Monitoring FileMaker Server > Viewing log file entries > Access log
Access log
Note  The following information is for server administrators and group administrators.
The Database Server logs the accesses to databases in a separate log file called the Access.log. Typical events that are logged include:
clients that connect to and disconnect from the Database Server
databases that clients access with a unique account and with the built-in Guest account
clients that connected denied access due to connection limits, including FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, FileMaker WebDirect, and FileMaker Data API clients
Accesses are logged in the tab-delimited Access.log file that is created in the FileMaker Server/Logs/ folder.
To view information from the Access.log file in the Log Viewer pane, see Viewing log file entries.
When the Access.log file reaches log size specified on the Database Server > Logging tab, it is renamed Access-old.log and a new Access.log file is created.
To configure access logging, see Logging and statistics settings.
The Access.log file contains information-level messages only. All warning and error-level messages are logged in the Event.log.
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Monitoring FileMaker Server