Configuring administrator group settings > Managing administrator groups > FileMaker Server group folders
FileMaker Server group folders
Note  The following information is for server administrators.
When configuring an administrator group on the General Settings > Administrator Groups tab, you associate a FileMaker Server group folder that contains the group’s database files with the administrator group.
FileMaker Server group administrators can manage the databases in their group folder only, as well as the schedules associated with the databases in their group folder. There can be only one group administrator account for each administrator group, but multiple users can log in to the same group administrator account at the same time with certain restrictions to avoid conflicts.
The following rules apply to group folders:
Each group folder can be associated with only one administrator group. Subfolders of a group folder are also associated with the same administrator group.
All group folders must be in the default database folder or the additional database folder.
You can select the default database folder or the additional database folder as the group folder to allow the group administrator to manage all databases in all subfolders of those two folders. The group administrator will also be able to create subfolders of those two folders. If you do so, you cannot select a subfolder within the default or additional database folder to be a group folder for another administrator group.
A group folder cannot be a parent of an existing group folder.
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