Selecting databases
Note  The following information is for server administrators and group administrators.
In this Schedule assistant step, choose which databases to include in this scheduled task.
To choose databases to include in this scheduled task:
1. Choose the databases to include in this scheduled task:
All Databases
(Server administrators) Include all databases in the default database folder and the additional database folder, including databases in subfolders. For information about the additional database folder, see Database and backup folder settings.
(Group administrators) Include all databases in the group folder for your administration group. If the group folder is the default or additional database folder, databases in subfolders are also included.
Databases in Folder
Include all databases in the selected folder. If the selected folder is the default or additional database folder, databases in subfolders are also included. See the following notes for details on which folders are available. See Database and backup folder settings.
Select a Database
Include the selected database. Select only one database file.
2. Click Next.
Click Back to return to the previous step or Cancel to exit the Schedule assistant.
If you are a group administrator and your server administrator did not select the default database folder or the additional database folder to be the group folder for your administrator group, the Databases in Folder option is not available. For more information, contact your server administrator.
For Databases in Folder in the Schedule assistant, select the default or additional database folder to create a schedule that operates only on databases in the default or additional database folder, excluding databases in subfolders. If the default or additional database folder is selected for Databases in Folder, databases in subfolders are automatically included. If necessary, change any command-line scripts that are affected by this change.
Related topics 
Scheduling database backups
Verifying the integrity of databases
Scheduling administrative tasks