Scheduling administrative tasks : Scheduling database backups : About keeping multiple backups of a scheduled backup
About keeping multiple backups of a scheduled backup
Note  The following information is for server administrators and group administrators.
In the Schedule assistant, use the Maximum number of backups to keep option to select how many backups of the selected databases you want to keep for a scheduled backup. The maximum is 99; however, your machine may run out of disk space if you did keep 99 backups.
For example, create a scheduled backup that runs once a day at 6:00 PM and keep a maximum of seven backups, which is a daily backup for one week. On the eighth day of the scheduled backup, FileMaker Server automatically deletes the oldest backup, which was done on the first day of the previous week, and replaces it with a new backup on the first day of the current week.
Each time a scheduled backup runs, FileMaker Server creates a new subfolder within the Backup Folder that you specified in the scheduled backup. The name of the new subfolder is a combination of the schedule name and the local server date and time when the scheduled backup runs (for example, DailyBackup_2016-07-25_1800). When the total number of backups reaches the maximum number you specify, FileMaker Server automatically deletes the oldest backup subfolder in the Backup Folder.
If there is insufficient disk space on the destination disk for a new backup, FileMaker Server deletes one or more of the oldest backup subfolders to create the required free disk space for the newest backup.
If you change the name of a scheduled backup, FileMaker Server renames all existing backup subfolders to match the new name.
If you change the Backup Folder of a scheduled backup, FileMaker Server cannot automatically move the existing backup subfolders. You must manually move them to the new Backup Folder to have FileMaker Server count them towards the maximum number of backups to keep.
If you decrease the Maximum number of backups to keep, FileMaker Server deletes the extra backup subfolders, starting with the oldest.
If you set Maximum number of backups to keep to 0, FileMaker Server places the backup file directly in the specified destination folder without creating a time-stamped subfolder.
If you remove a database from a scheduled backup or if the database is no longer hosted, FileMaker Server eventually deletes that database from all of the backup subfolders as the scheduled backup runs over time and the maximum number of backups is reached.
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Scheduling database backups
Tips for scheduled database backups
Restoring a database file from scheduled backups
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