Go to Record/Request/Page
Moves to a record or a report page, or displays a find request.
See also 
Go to Record/Request/Page [<First/Last/Previous/Next/By calculation>]
First moves to the first record in the file or found set (Browse mode), displays the first find request (Find mode), or moves to the first page in a report (Preview mode).
Last moves to the last record in the file or found set, displays the last find request, or moves to the last page in a report.
Previous moves to the previous record in the file or found set, displays the previous find request, or moves to the previous page in a report. Exit after last tells FileMaker Pro to stop the script when it reaches the last record in the found set. You can use Exit after last with the Loop script step to exit out of a loop after the last record.
Next moves to the next record in the file or found set, displays the next find request, or moves to the next page in a report. Exit after last tells FileMaker Pro to exit the script or control structure (like a loop) when it reaches the last record in the found set.
By Calculation specifies a calculation to determine the desired record number, find request number, or page number.
Where the script step runs 
FileMaker Pro 
FileMaker Server scheduled script 
FileMaker Go 
Custom Web Publishing 
FileMaker WebDirect 
Runtime solution 
Originated in 
FileMaker Pro 6.0 or earlier
In Browse mode, this script step moves to a record; in Find mode it displays a find request, and in Preview mode it moves to a report page.
FileMaker Server scheduled script and Customer Web Publishing do not support the By Calculation option.
Example 1 
Performs a find, sorts the records, and goes to the first record.
Perform Find [Restore]
Sort Records [Restore; No dialog]
Go to Record/Request/Page [First]
Example 2 
Goes to the record number the user enters in the custom dialog.
Show Custom Dialog ["Enter the record number you want to view."; Invoices::Record Number]
Go to Record/Request/Page [Invoices::Record Number]
Show All Records
Example 3 
Loops through records to export files that are in the Container field. Exits the loop if a record has an empty container field.
Set Variable [$PATH; Value: Get ( DocumentsPath ) & Products::Container]
Go to Record/Request/Page [First]
Exit Loop If [IsEmpty ( Products::Container )]
Export Field Contents [Products::Container; "$PATH"]
Go to Record/Request/Page [Next; Exit after last]
End Loop
Related topics 
Script steps reference (alphabetical list)
Script steps reference (category list)
About formulas