Creating new layout object, part, or background styles
You can create new, custom styles for objects, layout parts, or the layout background. You can apply custom styles to other layouts and import them into other files, which makes it easy to give your databases a consistent look.
To create a new object, layout part, or layout background style:
In Layout mode, select an object, a part label, or click anywhere in the layout background to select it.
See Selecting objects.
Note  To select the layout background, ensure no objects or parts are selected.
Click Inspector Inspector button in the layout bar, then click Appearance.
An asterisk (*) appears after the style name and the arrow turns red, indicating the display attributes are different from the attributes saved in the style.
For Style, click Unsaved style button and choose Save as New Style.
The asterisk disappears and the arrow changes to gray Saved style button, indicating your changes have been saved in the current style at the layout level.
An asterisk appears after the theme name in the Inspector and the arrow turns red, indicating the selected style has not been saved to the current theme.
To save the new style in a new theme, click Unsaved theme button, choose Save as New Theme, type a name for the theme, then click OK.
The arrow changes to gray Saved theme button.
When you add icons to buttons and popover buttons, and change the alignment or spacing for the icon, you can create styles to save that formatting. See Defining or changing a button or Defining or changing a button bar.
Some objects, such as buttons, popovers, and slide controls, have components that can be formatted independently. For example, for a slide control, you can create separate styles for the slide panels, the dots, or the area of the slide control that contains the dots.
Related topics 
Editing layout object, part, or background styles
Renaming layout object, part, or background styles
Reverting changes to layout object, part, or background styles
Deleting layout object, part, or background styles
Copying formatting attributes between layout objects, parts, or backgrounds