Command line reference : fmsadmin commands : OPEN command
OPEN command
fmsadmin OPEN [FILE...] [PATH...] [options]
Opens databases in the default and additional database folders. Each FILE specified is opened, or all the databases in each folder (PATH) are opened. If no FILE or PATH is specified, all databases in the hosting area are opened.
To specify a database by its ID rather than its filename, first use the LIST FILES -s command to get a list of all currently open databases and their IDs:
fmsadmin list files -s
After you have the database IDs, you can use the OPEN command and specify IDs of the databases to open.
For example, the following command opens database IDs 20 and 22 and databases in the folder “Solution”:
fmsadmin open 20 22 "filemac:/Library/FileMaker Server/Data/Databases/Solution/"
--key password
Specifies the password for an encrypted database being opened. When you attempt to open an encrypted file, if you don’t enter the password or the password is not correct, an error message is displayed.
For example, the following command opens the database and specifies the password.
fmsadmin open myencrypteddb --key 26913
Saves the password for the encrypted database opened with the --key option.
The password is saved on the server for each opened database. By saving the password, you can reopen the database without submitting the password each time. While this is convenient, saving the password can be a security risk.
Use the CLEARKEY command to remove the encryption passwords for a specific database saved on the FileMaker Server. For more information about encrypting databases and encryption passwords, see FileMaker Pro Help.
Related topics 
CLEARKEY command
CLOSE command
LIST command
Command line reference
Command line error messages