New Window
Creates a new window based on the foreground window. You can create a document window, a floating document window, or a dialog window.
New Window[Name: <name of window>; Height: n; Width: n; Top: n; Left: n; Style: Document/Floating Document/Dialog]
Click Specify to set options for the new window.
Window Name is the name you specify for your new window. You can enter literal text or click Specify to create a window name from a calculation.
Height is the height of the new window in points. You can enter a number or click Specify to generate a number from a calculation.
Width is the width of the new window in points. You can enter a number or click Specify to generate a number from a calculation.
Distance from top is the new window’s distance in points from the top of the screen (OS X) or top of the FileMaker Pro window (Windows). You can enter a number or click Specify to generate a number from a calculation.
Distance from left is the new window’s distance in points from the left of the screen (OS X) or left of the FileMaker Pro window (Windows). You can enter a number or click Specify to generate a number from a calculation.
Window Styles settings let you specify that the new window is a document window (default setting) or a dialog window. To specify a window style, select Specify Advanced Style or click Specify. See Specify Advanced Style Options dialog box.
Note  If you clear the Specify Advanced Style checkbox, you will lose any advanced style settings that have been created.
Where the script step runs 
FileMaker Pro 
FileMaker Server scheduled script 
FileMaker Go 
Custom Web Publishing 
FileMaker WebDirect 
Runtime solution 
Originated in 
FileMaker Pro 6.0 or earlier
A new window has the same layout, same table, same found set, and same current record as the original window. You can specify the new window is a document window, a floating document window, or a dialog window.
Dialog windows are modal. They appear in the foreground and can’t be minimized. Users cannot activate an open document window before closing an open dialog window.
Create document windows for typical user-input tasks or tasks that can take place in a random order. Use dialog windows to collect required or prerequisite information or to alert users.
Kiosk mode (FileMaker Pro Advanced)
Example 1 
Goes to the Customers layout in a new window and sorts by the Customer ID field.
New Window [Top: Get ( WindowTop ) + 25; Left: Get ( WindowLeft ) + 25; Style: Document]
Go to Layout ["Customers"]
Sort Records by Field [Descending; Customers::Customer ID]
Example 2 
Goes to the Print Invoices layout in a new floating window and enters Preview Mode.
New Window [Name: "Print Invoices"; Top: Get ( WindowTop ) + 25; Left: Get ( WindowLeft ) + 25; Style: Floating Document]
Go to Layout ["Print Invoices"]
Enter Preview Mode [ ]
Related topics 
Go to Layout script step
Defining calculation fields
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Script steps reference (category list)