Export Records
Exports records to a specified file.
Export records [No dialog; “<output filename>”; Automatically open; Create email; <platform and character set>]
Perform without dialog prevents dialog boxes from displaying when the script step is run from FileMaker Pro. These dialog boxes would let the user set new export criteria.
Select Specify output file or click Specify to display a dialog box where you can specify the file and file type to export. Choose the folder you want to export to, or type the folder path directly into the list. Specify one path per line. FileMaker Pro will use the first path it locates. See Creating file paths. The file type you use depends on the import requirements of the program using the exported data. You can also specify options to Automatically open the file and Create email with the file as attachment after saving.
If FileMaker Pro executes a script that does not specify an absolute path, and the database file containing the script is hosted, the path is assumed to be the current user’s Documents folder.
Note  You can export records as a Microsoft Excel worksheet by choosing Excel Workbooks (.xlsx) from the File Type list. For more information on saving FileMaker Pro files as Excel files, see Saving and sending records as an Excel file.
If you specify XML as the export file type, the Specify XML and XSL Options dialog box appears, where you can specify an XML grammar and choose an XSLT style sheet if you want to transform the XML. The XSLT source may be a file, the result of an HTTP request, or a calculation that generates a file path or an HTTP request.
Note  Do not export fields whose name is entirely numeric (such as "2") or whose name is a single-byte kana character (Japanese version) using the FMPDSORESULT grammar.
Select Specify export order or click Specify to use the export order that was in effect when you added the script step. The last export order used in the file appears as the default and can be edited or deleted. If necessary, choose an output file character set from the list. Select Apply current layout’s data formatting to exported data, or the formatting of the last exported data will be used.
Where the script step runs 
FileMaker Pro 
FileMaker Server scheduled script 
FileMaker Go 
Custom Web Publishing 
FileMaker WebDirect 
Runtime solution 
Originated in 
FileMaker Pro 6.0 or earlier
You can set the export order before adding this script step, or perform the step with a dialog box so a user can set new criteria. Export Records exports all the records currently being browsed. If you want to limit the set of records you're exporting, use a find request before using Export Records.
When you include this script step in a FileMaker Server scheduled script and you do not select Perform without dialog in the Edit Script dialog box, the text (NOT compatible) appears after the script step. The script, however, will run. The behavior will be the same as if Perform without dialog was selected. See Get(DocumentsPathListing) function for more information.
<Temporary Path>/file.csv
<Temporary Path>/Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/Folder4/file.csv
If the Specify output file option is selected, FileMaker WebDirect outputs exported records with the specified filename and file type but ignores the specified file path.
Example 1 
Finds and sorts records, then exports the found set as an Excel file without prompting the user.
Go to Layout ["Invoices"]
Perform Find [Restore]
Sort Records [Restore; No dialog]
Export Records [No dialog; "Unpaid Invoice List.xlsx"; Unicode (UTF-16)]
Example 2 
Exports the found set as an Excel file unless a file with that name already exists in the output directory.
If [not PatternCount ( Get ( DocumentsPathListing ); "Unpaid Invoice List.xlsx" )]
Export Records [No dialog; "Unpaid Invoice List.xlsx"; Unicode (UTF-16)]
End If
Related topics 
Import Records script step
Save Records As PDF script step
Save Records As Excel script step
Script steps reference (alphabetical list)
Script steps reference (category list)