Creating and working with styles for layout objects, parts, and the layout background
A style is a collection of attributes, such as font, color, line style, text alignment, and so on, that determine the appearance of a layout. Each FileMaker Pro theme includes a default style for every object, layout part, and layout background. Additionally, some objects have default styles that add variety to layouts or create visual effects.
When you add objects or layout parts to a layout, FileMaker Pro uses the default style defined in the current theme for that object type or part type. When you create a new layout, FileMaker Pro uses the theme's default style for the layout background.
You can change the formatting attributes for objects, parts, and the layout background, and you can save your changes in styles to consistently apply them to other objects or parts on the current layout. You can also create new styles and apply them to objects, parts, or the layout background on the current layout. To use your saved styles on other layouts, save styles to a theme.
Topics in this section
About layout object, part, and background styles
Viewing and applying layout object, part, or background styles
Editing layout object, part, or background styles
Creating new layout object, part, or background styles
Renaming layout object, part, or background styles
Reverting changes to layout object, part, or background styles
Deleting layout object, part, or background styles
Copying formatting attributes between layout objects, parts, or backgrounds