Header and Footer Information (New Layout/Report assistant)
In the Header and Footer Information panel, you can specify the text that you want to appear in the header and footer of your layout. You can choose text to appear left-aligned, right-aligned, and centered in both the header and the footer.
The page number when you preview or print. (In Layout mode, you see the page number symbol, {{PageNumber}}.)
Choose Page Number.
The current system date when you preview or print. (In Layout mode, you see the current date symbol, {{CurrentDate}}.)
Choose Current Date.
Choose Layout Name.
Text in a font size slightly larger than (1.5 times) the currently defined text size or the size defined by the layout theme.
Choose Large Custom Text.
In the Custom Text dialog box, for Custom text, type what you want to appear in the specified location, then click OK.
Text in the same font size as the currently defined text size or the size defined by the layout theme.
Choose Small Custom text.
In the Custom Text dialog box, for Custom text, type what you want to appear in the specified location, then click OK.
Choose Logo.
Notes and tips
FileMaker Pro left-aligns text you add in the left positions; center-aligns text you add in the center positions, and right-aligns text you add in the right positions.
If you choose to include the layout name in the header or footer part, FileMaker Pro uses the name you entered in the first panel of the assistant. If you change the layout name later, that change is not reflected in the header or footer.
FileMaker Pro determines the font, font size, style, and font color from the theme you selected in the previous panel.
You can place one graphic (logo) in the header and one in the footer. The maximum height of a logo is one-quarter of the current page height; the maximum width is the width of the current page.
Related topics 
Creating a layout