Copying, duplicating, and deleting objects
In Layout mode, you can cut or copy and then paste graphic objects and text, fields (including related fields), and portals. You can also cut, copy, and paste field data in Browse and Find modes.
Note  For information about copying, duplicating, and deleting data in your database, see Adding and viewing data.
To copy, duplicate, or delete an object:
For more information, see Selecting objects.
Copy (or cut) an object, then paste it onto the same or another layout, or into another database file
Choose Edit menu > Copy (or Cut). Click with the arrow pointer where you want the object centered, then choose Edit menu > Paste Layout Object(s) (Windows) or Edit menu > Paste (Mac OS).
Or, hold down the Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac OS), drag the pointer to a new location, and release the mouse.
Choose Edit menu > Duplicate.
Delete an object without replacing what's on the Clipboard
Choose Edit menu > Clear.
An object you cut or copy stays on the Clipboard until the next time you choose Cut or Copy (in FileMaker Pro or another application), restart, or turn off your computer.
If you copy an object and paste it onto a layout with a different theme, the object retains the attributes from the original layout. You can choose Edit menu > Apply Theme Style to remove those attributes and apply the default attributes of the new theme. You can also use the Inspector to copy and paste object attributes. See Copying style attributes between objects or layout parts.
If the other application supports it, you can quickly bring objects from that application into FileMaker Pro by dragging the object from the other application's window onto the FileMaker Pro layout. You can also drag objects from a layout to another application or to the Windows desktop or Mac OS Finder desktop.
When copying a field to a layout in a different database file, FileMaker Pro looks for a matching field name in the file that you're copying to. If a matching name is found, the pasted field adopts the matching field’s definition. If a match is not found, only the field characteristics are pasted.
When copying a portal to another layout in the same database file, FileMaker Pro copies the portal characteristics (like size, borders, and fill styles) and the relationship. When copying a portal to a layout in a different database file, FileMaker Pro looks for a matching relationship in the file that you're copying to. If a matching relationship is found, the pasted portal adopts the relationship's definition. If a match is not found, only the portal characteristics are pasted and the relationship is undefined.
Use the Duplicate command to create a series of equally spaced identical objects. After choosing Edit menu > Duplicate, immediately drag the new object to the position you want (without deselecting it). Choose Duplicate again: the new copy appears in the same position relative to the first copy as the first copy is to the original object.
If you copy or duplicate a named object on a single layout, FileMaker Pro adds “Copy” or a numeral to the new object’s name to ensure that the name is unique. If you have scripts that need to refer to the new object, ensure that your scripts use the correct object name. For more information, see Naming objects.