Adding a tab control
You can add a tab control to a layout to organize objects and make data entry easier.
In Layout mode, choose the layout you want from the Layout pop-up menu.
Click the Tab Control tool Tab Control tool in the status toolbar.
Tip  You can also add a tab control by choosing Insert menu > Tab Control.
Repeat this step to create additional tab panels.
Choose the Default Front Tab.
When you switch from Layout mode to another mode, the front tab panel is the one you specify for Default Front Tab. When you switch to Layout mode from another mode, the front tab panel is the one that was last displayed in the other mode.
Choose Tab Justification options: Left, Center, Right, or Full.
Choose Tab Width options: Label Width, Label Width + Margin, Width of Widest Label, Minimum of, or Fixed Width of.
To add objects to the tab panel, choose items from the layout tools in the status toolbar, from the Insert menu, or drag objects onto the tab panel.
For more information on adding fields and other objects, see Placing and removing fields on a layout and Drawing and inserting objects on a layout.
Related topics 
Editing objects on layouts
Changing a tab control
Selecting and working with objects in tab panels
Moving and resizing tab controls
Copying, duplicating, and deleting tab controls