Tips for designing layouts
Decide if you intend the layout to be mainly used in Form View or Table View, especially if it will be used on an iOS device. For layouts to be used on an iOS device, choose one of the device themes in the New Layout/Report assistant or Change Theme dialog box. Then design the layout accordingly.
In general, use a limited number of colors and fonts per layout. Use fonts consistently: assign one for headings, one for field labels, and one for field contents.
Choose colors for text and backgrounds that provide enough contrast for easy readability. For example, light gray text on dark gray backgrounds is difficult to read, especially in poor lighting or with small font sizes. Light colors are suitable for headings but not for data entry fields.
To make reading and navigating a layout easier and to enhance its overall appearance, be generous with the whitespace (empty space) between groups of fields.
The Slice feature lets you take advantage of your existing image resources to quickly create a visual effect for a header, body, or footer part. For example, you want to add a custom color to the header part. You already have an image with an area that contains the color you want. Use the Slice feature to add the desired color to the header. For more information, see Filling an object or a layout part with an image.
For more information about designing layouts, see Best practices for designing layouts.