About layout types
You can use the New Layout/Report assistant to create the following types of layouts. When you choose Standard form, Table view, List view, or Report, you can choose a theme for the layout, which gives your layout or report a professional appearance. After you finish the assistant, you can further customize the layout or use it as is.
Standard form
Contains the fields you select, each on a separate line, in the order you specify, with field labels to the left of the fields. In Browse mode, you see one record, or form, at a time (unless you have switched from Form View).
Good for data entry or onscreen browsing.
Table view
Contains the fields you select displayed in a grid in the order you specify from left to right. Field names are the column headings.
If you choose the Table view layout type, the layout is automatically created with Table View as the default view for displaying the layout in Browse mode. Table View is one of three views available for any layout in FileMaker Pro; the other views are Form View and List View. Table View provides a view of your data in a spreadsheet-like format that allows you to quickly rearrange fields, add or delete records, or define fields in Browse mode. For example, you can quickly reorder, resize, or sort columns (fields) with just a mouse click (if those options are set). For more information about Table View, see Working with data in Table View.
You can also view summary data in Table View, which lets you group your data by one or more columns (fields) and check subtotals for each group or grand totals for the table. The summary results recalculate and update in real-time when you change data values in Table View. For more information, see Creating dynamic reports in Table View.
List view
Contains the fields you select, in the order you specify from left to right across the page, with field names as column headings. If there are many fields, columns will extend beyond the right page margin of the layout. To prevent this, you can constrain columns to the page width.
In the assistant, you can choose to:
add header and footer parts with static text (like your company's name), dynamic text (like the page number or current date), or a graphic (like your company logo)
group records by sorting; you can then subtotal, or subsummarize data in the groups (for example, group sales data by region, then subtotal sales for each region)
You can modify any of these options after you complete the assistant.
Good for viewing or printing multiple records in rows (a list of records).
The New Layout/Report assistant lets you define varied report formats. You can create a layout with simple rows and columns of data or a complex report with data grouped by specified values and including subtotals and grand totals.
In addition to the formatting options listed for List view, when you choose Report you can also group records by sorting data by selected fields. You can then subtotal—or subsummarize—data in these groups (for example, group sales data by region, then subtotal sales for each region).
Like List view, choosing a Report layout is good for viewing or printing multiple records in rows (a list of records).
Blank layout
Contains no fields. You add the fields you want in Layout mode.
Good for complex layouts, for example, a data entry screen or form letter.
Contains the fields you select, arranged to print on virtually any kind of label stock. (FileMaker Pro includes the dimensions of a large number of standard label types.) If the label type you want isn't available, you can specify custom label dimensions.
You can only print (or preview) data; you can't add information (use another layout type for data entry or finding data).
Vertical labels
Like the Labels layout above, except that Asian and full-width characters are rotated so that labels may be used vertically. For more information on vertical writing format, see Formatting fields and text for vertical writing.
Contains the fields you select, arranged to print on a standard “Number 10" business envelope.
You can only print (or preview) data; you can't add information (use another layout type for data entry or finding data).