Closing shared files
Before a shared file can be closed by a host, all clients must close the file. FileMaker Pro allows you to prompt networked clients to close the shared file when you do one of the following: close the file, change the sharing conditions for the file, exit FileMaker Pro, or perform a task that requires all clients to close the file. If a client does not respond to your request to close a shared file within 30 seconds, FileMaker Pro attempts to close the shared file on the clients’ machine.
To close a shared file:
If any clients have the shared file open, you see a dialog box listing those clients. Click Ask to send a message to these clients requesting that they close the file.
Clients see a dialog box requesting that they close the file.
Once all clients have closed the file, FileMaker Pro closes the file on your computer.
Tip  As the host, you can send a message to all clients accessing the database. Choose File menu > Sharing > FileMaker Network to open the FileMaker Network Settings dialog box. Select the shared database from the Currently open files list. Click the Send Message button, type a message in the Send Message dialog box, and click OK.
To quit FileMaker Pro when you're hosting a shared file: Choose File menu > Exit (Windows), or FileMaker Pro menu > Quit FileMaker Pro (Mac OS). If you see a dialog box listing connected users, click Ask. Once all clients have closed the file, FileMaker Pro closes the file on your computer and then quits.
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