Arrange All Windows
Adjusts the size and location of all open windows.
Arrange All Windows [Tile Horizontally/Tile Vertically/Cascade
Window/Bring All to Front]
Tile Horizontally positions open windows in a left/right orientation. Windows are resized to prevent overlapping.
Tile Vertically positions open windows in a top/bottom orientation. Windows are resized to prevent overlapping.
Cascade Window positions windows in an overlapping pattern, beginning in the top left corner of the screen. Windows are resized to fill the screen, less any offset.
Bring All to Front (Mac OS) moves all open FileMaker Pro windows to the front. Windows are not resized.
This script step is:
The size and location of the open windows are the only things that change; current table, active window, and active record are not affected by this script step.
Perform Find [Restore]
Sort Records [Restore]
New Window [Name: “Customers”; Height: 200; Width: 600;
Top: 16; Left: 16]
Arrange All Windows [Tile Vertically]
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