Printing records
You can print information from your database, or you can print information about your database (for example, field definitions or script steps). For more information, see Printing scripts, Printing table and field information, or Printing the relationships graph.
Note  If you’re printing labels or envelopes, see Considerations when you create a Labels layout or Considerations when you create an Envelope layout.
To print records:
For more information, see Specifying a default printer and paper options (Windows) or Specifying printer and paper options (Mac OS), as well as your printer and operating system documentation.
Make sure the found set is the way you want it by:
using Find mode and commands on the Records menu to change the found set. For more information, see Finding records.
To see exactly how your paper copy will look prior to printing, click Preview in the layout bar (Browse mode), or choose Preview from the Mode pop-up menu at the bottom of the document window.
Some items — like sliding objects, records arranged in columns, and variable information like page numbers — appear correctly only in Preview mode. If you’re having trouble displaying and printing sliding objects and columnar data, see the troubleshooting topic, Document does not appear as expected in Preview mode.
Choose File menu > Print.
In the Print dialog box, for Print, choose an option (Windows) or choose FileMaker Pro from the pop-up menu (Mac OS).
A blank record using the current layout (use this option to print a blank “form”)
Blank record, showing fields, then choose a formatting option
Windows: To print a current view of OLE objects, select Update all Links before printing. Deselect this option for faster printing.
Tip  On the Mac OS, you can preview what you’re printing. Click Preview in the Print dialog box.
Other print options depend on the printer and system software you’re using. Refer to your printer and system documentation.
If you’re printing a layout with data that extends beyond the right margin, choose File menu > Print Setup (Windows) or Page Setup (Mac OS), select the horizontal (landscape) orientation, then click OK (if this doesn’t provide enough width, try reducing the size of the printed area by typing a value of less than 100% for scaling in the Print Setup dialog box (Windows) or Page Setup dialog box (Mac OS).
You can “close up” blank space when printing records with varying amounts of data by specifying sliding options. You can also use merge fields to eliminate extra blank space in field data. For more information, see Removing blank spaces in printouts and Placing merge fields on a layout.
When you print a field or a portal with a scroll bar, FileMaker Pro prints only the data visible without scrolling. To print all the data, duplicate the layout and enlarge the field or portal to display the largest possible amount of data. Then specify sliding options to remove the extra blank space when you print. For more information, see Adding fields to a layout and Removing blank spaces in printouts.
If a record contains tab controls, only the tab panel that is in the front is printed.