Entering or editing SMTP options
To send email through SMTP, you must supply information about the sender and the SMTP server in the SMTP Options dialog box. You see this dialog box whenever you choose SMTP Server or click Specify (when SMTP Server is selected) in the Send Mail dialog box. FileMaker Pro uses this information whenever you send email through SMTP. You do not have to enter it each time you send mail.
To enter or edit SMTP options:
Choose File menu > Send Mail.
To create a script to send email, choose Scripts menu > Manage Scripts. In the Manage Scripts dialog box, click New. In the Edit Script dialog box, for View, choose Miscellaneous, double-click Send Mail in the list, then click Specify.
to edit SMTP options (and SMTP Server is selected), click Specify
Note  To specify a calculation that generates content for a field, click Specify next to the field, create the calculation, then click OK.
Enter the name of the email sender (for example, your name). This name appears in the From field of your outgoing messages.
Enter the email address to which incoming replies will be sent. This can be different from the outgoing address (for example, You@MyCompany.com). If you do not enter a reply-to address, replies will be sent to the outgoing address.
Keep the default None (to require no login authentication on the SMTP server), or choose Plain Password (for no password encryption) or CramMD5 (for password encryption).
(Available if you choose Plain Password or Cram-MD5 authentication.) Enter a user ID to authenticate the user on the SMTP server. Users must enter the correct name and password to send mail on this server. (For information about criteria for user names, see Tips for creating account names and passwords.)
(Available if you choose Plain Password or Cram-MD5 authentication.) Enter a password to authenticate the user on the SMTP server. Users must enter the correct name and password to send mail on this server. (For information about criteria for passwords, see Tips for creating account names and passwords.)
You are returned to the Send Mail dialog box, where you continue setting email options (step 4 of Sending one email message or Sending multiple email messages).
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Send Mail