Saving and sending records in Excel and PDF formats
You can save FileMaker Pro data as Microsoft Excel and Adobe PDF files in all modes except Find mode. You can save the current record or all the records in the current found set.
Creating an Excel file lets you export FileMaker Pro data from the current layout and found set and work with it in an Excel worksheet. Creating a PDF file lets you store a “snapshot” of your file in a static document that you can protect with a password if you want. You can also append FileMaker Pro records to an existing FileMaker Pro PDF file.
In order to save files as Excel or PDF, you need the following access privileges:
Allow exporting to save Excel files
Allow printing to save PDF files
When you save an Excel or PDF file, FileMaker Pro lets you create a new email with the file attached, so you can send it to others. You can also choose to open the file after saving.
For more information, see Editing other privileges.
Topics in this section
Saving and sending records as an Excel file
Saving and sending records as a PDF file