Using custom functions (FileMaker Pro Advanced)
To create a custom function:
In FileMaker Pro Advanced, choose File menu > Manage > Custom Functions.
In the Edit Custom Function dialog box, for Function Name, type a name for the new function.
Custom function names must be unique and cannot exceed 100 characters. They can contain spaces; instead, use underscores.
If the formula requires parameters, for Function Parameters, type the parameter name and click Plus Edit Function Parameter button.You can edit or delete a parameter name by selecting it in the list and clicking Edit Edit Function Parameter button or Delete Delete Function Parameter button.
For Operators, choose an operator from the list.
In the functions list, double-click a function. In the formula box, replace the placeholder parameter with a value or expression.
You can also type parameter names, operators, and functions in the Edit Custom Function dialog box instead of using the lists or keypad.
All accounts is the default option for Availability and allows all users of the current database to see and use the custom function. If you want the custom function to be available only to those with Full Access privileges, select Only accounts assigned full access privileges.
Click OK to close the Edit Custom Function dialog box.
Continue creating custom functions, or click OK to close the Manage Custom Functions dialog box.
To change, duplicate, or delete a custom function:
Choose File menu > Manage > Custom Functions.
For Function Name, select the custom function and click Edit. In the Edit Custom Function dialog box, make your changes, then click OK.
For Function Name, select the custom function and click Duplicate.
For Function Name, select the custom function and click Delete.
The content of a custom function is protected even if it is set to be available to all users with Full Access privileges. To edit or view the custom function content, you must have Full Access privileges and be editing the database in FileMaker Pro Advanced.
When a custom function is deleted, it is no longer available for use. Calculations that were using it will return an error when they attempt to call it. If you have Full Access privileges to a database and are editing a calculation that uses a deleted custom function, the name of the function is replaced with the string <Function Missing>.
If you do not have Full Access privileges and attempt to edit a calculation that uses a custom function restricted to Full Access accounts, you see the string <Private Function> instead of the custom function. You cannot change the calculation as long as the <Private Function> declaration appears in the formula.
If you have previously created custom functions and the names are identical to new FileMaker software functions, the FileMaker functions will override your custom functions. Verify your custom function names against the FileMaker functions, and change your custom function names if needed.
The characters $ and } can no longer be used in a custom function name or a parameter name. If you used these characters in custom function or parameter names in FileMaker Developer, you must rename them in FileMaker Pro Advanced.
FileMaker Pro Advanced may not be available in all of the shipping languages of FileMaker Pro.
Related topics 
About custom functions (FileMaker Pro Advanced)
Functions reference (category list)
Functions reference (alphabetical list)