Specifying formats for timestamp fields
Timestamp fields store both a date and a time, such as when a record was created or last modified. You format a timestamp field by separately formatting its three components:
To specify formats for timestamp fields:
In Layout mode, select one or more timestamp fields.
For more information, see Selecting objects.
To format the date component, choose Format menu > Date, select the formatting options you want, and click OK.
For more information, see Specifying formats for date fields.
To format the time component (except the seconds portion), choose Format menu > Time, select the formatting options you want, and click OK.
For more information, see Specifying formats for time fields.
To format the seconds and fractional seconds component, choose Format menu > Number, select the formatting options you want, and click OK.
In the Number Format dialog box, only two options affect the display of the seconds component: Fixed number of decimal digits and Decimal separator. The remaining options have no effect. For more information, see Specifying formats for fields containing numbers.