Records are missing
Records are “lost”
Make sure that any FileMaker Pro file shared over a network has a unique filename, whether open or not. Use an archiving or compression utility to make all copies of your files unavailable to FileMaker Pro, or store them on removable media and remove the medium.
You might have entered the records in Find mode. In Browse mode, in the status toolbar, click the down arrow next to Find (Windows), or click and hold Find (Mac OS). Choose Modify Last Find and see if the “lost” records appear. If so, you can:
Flip back and forth between Modify Last Find and Browse mode and copy and paste the contents of each field, or
For one “record”: exit all fields, choose Edit menu > Copy, then paste into an application like Notepad or TextEdit. (To copy multiple “records”, press Shift (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) while choosing Edit menu > Copy.) Then import this text document into your database. (Note that this will not work for data entered into related fields.)
Only one record appears in a list
Check the found set. (Look in the status toolbar.)
Check the layout in Layout mode. If the top boundary of a field object is touching the dotted line that separates layout parts, FileMaker Pro displays and prints that field in the layout part above the dotted line. Thus, for example, fields which appear to be in the body part and which you would expect to print a number of times down the page will appear only once at the top of the page if they are touching the header line.
Related topics 
Placing and removing fields on a layout
Printing troubleshooting