Checking spelling
FileMaker Pro can check the spelling of text in the following locations:
the visible fields in the current record only (including any related fields)
while in Layout mode, all the text objects in the current layout (including any text objects on tab panels that are not in front)
You can set FileMaker Pro to check spelling as you type or to indicate possible misspellings with a red dotted underline in text that’s being edited. You set these options on the Spelling tab of the File Options dialog box. For more information, see Setting file options.
You can also set FileMaker Pro to check spelling on a field-by-field basis. You set this option in the Field Behavior dialog box. For more information, see Setting spell checking for individual fields.
When you check spelling, FileMaker Pro compares your text against two dictionaries, the main dictionary and the user dictionary. The main dictionary is preset to match your local language (for example, in the United States, usenglsh.mpr). You can’t edit the main dictionary, but you can change it to another language. The main dictionary is always available.
FileMaker Pro includes spelling dictionaries in the following languages: Dutch, French, Italian, German, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Spanish, Swedish, Swiss German, UK English, US English, and US English (Medical).
The user dictionary, user.upr, is your second, editable dictionary. You can create multiple user dictionaries, but only one can be used at a time. You can change user dictionaries at any time, or turn off the user dictionary entirely and use just the main dictionary.
To check spelling in the current field, record, found set, or layout:
Choose Edit menu > Spelling, then choose a spelling command.
Check Selection
Check Record
Check Layout
Check All
Note  You can't change a word in a restricted or password-protected file or field. In that case, click Next.
Replace a misspelled word with one in the dictionary
Revise a misspelled word that isn't in the spelling dictionaries
For Word, type your replacement. Click Check if you want the new word's spelling verified, or click Replace.
Click Ignore All. FileMaker Pro skips every occurrence of the word.
Click Learn.
Note  You cannot check spelling in a web viewer, summary fields, or container fields.
Topics in this section
Checking spelling as you type
Creating and selecting spelling dictionaries
Editing user dictionaries