Working with data in date fields
When entering data in date fields, type dates as follows:
Enter the date in the system format used when the file was created.
Type the day, month, and year as numbers separated by a backslash or other separator character. (Use the same character for each separator; for example, 2/3/2010. You can use any character as a separator except a letter, a colon (:), or a “+” sign.)
If enabled, use the drop-down calendar to select a date. Use the month and year controls to locate the desired date and then select it to close the calendar. The date is inserted using the current date format. For more information, see Setting up a field to display a drop-down calendar.
FileMaker Pro supports dates ranging from 1/1/0001 to 12/31/4000.
Note  If you don't type a year in a date field and you haven't typed a separator character for a year, FileMaker Pro enters the current year. If you enter dates with two-digit years, such as 5/12/10, FileMaker Pro converts them to four-digit years, as described in Conversion of dates with two-digit years.
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Entering Japanese Emperor Year dates
Defining date fields
Specifying formats for date fields
Setting options for fields
Inserting the current date or other variables into a field